The Thigh Lift overcomes the Sagging Leg Skin
The effects of gravity and time can cause the outer and inner thigh skin to lose tone, which can cause the skin to lose its smooth appearance and sag. This can be exacerbated by rapid weight loss or just performing Liposuction with no regard to skin tightening. Dr. Blinski has over twenty years of experience fixing this very problem.
Unlike many doctors who perform cosmetic procedures like the Thigh Lift, Dr. Blinski is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Therefore, he has a comprehensive understanding of every nuance of the Thigh Lift and other cosmetic procedures. Some doctors performing cosmetic procedures are only General Practioners whose education on that single procedure came from a weekend seminar. Who would you rather have perform your Thigh Lift, a General Practioner, or a surgeon with certification credentials and a comprehensive education?
As a widely recognized expert on several cosmetic procedures, and a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Blinski’s training and experience also grants him a comprehensive understanding of every aspect of other cosmetic procedures like Cellulite Reduction, Body Lift, or Laser Lipo.
And since he is a plastic surgeon, Dr. Blinski is also trained and experienced in a other types of cosmetic surgeries, such as Rhinoplasty or Breast Augmentation. Regardless of your individual situation, you can turn to Dr. Blinski with the confidence that he will choose the procedure best suited for you.
What Is a Thigh Lift?
The thigh lift procedure is one that involves both some kind of Liposuction and removing excessive skin from either the outer or inner thigh, or both. The Thigh Lift procedure Dr Blinski performs is part of the entire Body Lift procedure.
How Is a Thigh Lift Performed?
The procedure takes several hours. Dr. Blinski will make incisions on the back or inside of your thigh, typically spanning from just above the elbow to just below the buttocks. Excess fat may then be removed by using Liposuction, while excessive skin is trimmed, tightened and sutured in place. The incisions are then closed using absorbable sutures. Dressings are placed on the incisions. Patients are usually discharged from the recovery area 2 to 3 hours following the procedure, but will require someone to bring them home.
What Happens After Surgery?
Thigh Lift patients generally have a swelling of the area operated upon. This swelling will go done within a few weeks. The surgical scars often become more red two weeks afterwards and then begin to fade 2 to 3 months later.
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