If your face shows signs of aging, especially your midface and brow. Rhytidectomy, or facelift surgery, is extremely effective, but also extremely invasive. If your needs are not great enough to warrant a full Facelift, or you don’t want any invasive surgery, you may be able to benefit from a Threadlift.
Dr. Blinski is a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, not like many other doctors who perform cosmetic procedures like a Facelift or Threadlift. Some of those doctors are really General Practioners with only a weekend seminar taken to learn a single cosmetic procedure. Wouldn’t you be more comfortable having a surgeon with a comprehensive education and certification credentials performing your Threadlift procedure?
Dr. Blinski is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, as well as a widely recognized cosmetic surgery expert. Therefore, his training and experience, in every aspect of cosmetic procedures, are more comprehensive. Dr Blinski’s has a thorough grasp of all the nuances of procedures like Facelift, Botox, or Dermabrasion. As a plastic surgeon, Dr. Blinski is also experienced in other cosmetic surgeries, like Liposuction or Breast Augmentation. When you are with Dr. Blinski, you can feel confident that he has the range of experience and training necessary for the procedure best suited for your situation.
The Threadlift Procedure
Unlike a facelift, which cuts away and trims unwanted skin, the thread lift procedure doesn’t require such invasiveness. Instead, Dr. Blinski uses a barbed suture to pull at the tissues and stretch them. Because the tissues aren’t being separated and there is very little lifting of the skin, swelling and bruising after the procedure are considerably reduced.
Threadlift Recovery
Immediately following your procedure, you will be able to head home. The threadlift recovery time is less than a single week and is accompanied by mild discomfort. During that time, you shouldn’t rub your face or eat foods that require lots of chewing. You can go to work as soon as the following day.
Let Us Help You Decide
A Threadlift is an effective surgical procedure. It is not only a surgery to perfect a physical appearance; it can also increase the patient’s self-confidence and help achieve an improved quality of life.
Dr. Blinski offers a wide variety of options to help assure incredible results. If you’re in search of a progressive, highly effective procedure to significantly enhance your appearance, a Threadlift is something you will want to think about.
With Dr. Blinski’s expertise, getting a Threadlift is easy and affordable. Make an appointment today to consult with Dr. Blinski to see if you are a good candidate for a Threadlift. The more we can help educate you about Threadlift surgery the more you will have assurance of success.
During your consultation, Dr. Blinski will examine you, ask you questions, and address any concerns you may have in order to determine if you are a good candidate for a Threadlift. You can also talk to Dr. Blinski about what to anticipate, how the surgery will be performed, and how long recovery may take. Dr. Blinski will share with you the cost of the surgery as well.
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