If your face shows signs of aging, and you want to do something about it. Rhytidectomy, or facelift surgery, is extremely effective, but also extremely invasive. If your needs are not great enough to warrant a full Facelift, you may be able to benefit from a Mini Facelift.
As a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Blinski is unlike many others doctors performing Mini Face Lifts in that he has a comprehensive understanding of every aspect of the procedure. Some doctors who perform cosmetic procedures like the Mini Face Lift actually General Practioners who have taken a weekend seminar on that single procedure. Wouldn’t you prefer that the surgeon performing your procedure have both certification credentials and a comprehensive education?
Dr. Blinski is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and a widely recognized expert on many cosmetic procedures. His training and experience means he has an understanding of every nuance of other cosmetic procedures like Facial Dermal Fillers, Non-Surgical Facelift, or Featherlift. As well, Dr. Blinski is experienced and trained in a wide variety of cosmetic surgeries, such as Liposuction or Breast Augmentation. No matter what your particular situation may be, you can be confident that Dr. Blinski will recommend the best procedure for you.
The Mini Facelift Procedure
A Mini Facelift must be performed with the patient fully awake, so the only anesthesia choice choice is IV sedation and local anesthesia.
There are two versions of the Mini Facelift procedure, the anterior mini Facelift and posterior mini Facelift.
The anterior Mini Facelift is meant to improve the lower face. It begins with an incision line starting from in front of the ears, traveling up and to the hairline. The loose skin is then detached from the tissue, muscles are tightened and fat is removed. Dr. Blinski then pulls the skin, tightening it with sutures, and removing any excess skin.
The posterior Mini Facelift is meant to improve the neck and jowl. It begins with an incision line starting from behind the ear, going to the hairline. Then Dr. Blinski pull the skin gently up, tightening it with sutures, and removing any excess skin.
Mini Facelift Recovery
After undergoing Mini Facelift surgery, someone will need to take you home, as you will be recovering from sedation and be unable to operate a vehicle.
You will have a special bandage under your chin around the top of the head, and will need to sleep with your head propped up, to maximize your healing progress. Your bandages will be removed within a week.
The entire healing process takes only a days and is accompanied by mild discomfort.
Let Us Help You Decide
A Mini Facelift is an effective surgical procedure. It is not only a surgery to perfect a physical appearance; it can also increase the patient’s self-confidence and help achieve an improved quality of life.
Dr. Blinski offers a wide variety of options to help assure incredible results. If you’re in search of a progressive, highly effective procedure to significantly enhance your appearance, a Mini Facelift is something you will want to think about.
With Dr. Blinski’s expertise, getting a Mini Facelift is easy and affordable. Make an appointment today to consult with Dr. Blinski to see if you are a good candidate for a Mini Facelift. The more we can help educate you about Mini Facelift surgery the more you will have assurance of success.
During your consultation, Dr. Blinski will examine you, ask you questions, and address any concerns you may have in order to determine if you are a good candidate for a Mini Facelift. You can also talk to Dr. Blinski about what to anticipate, how the surgery will be performed, and how long recovery may take. Dr. Blinski will share with you the cost of the surgery as well.
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